Judgement rides on the air that we breathe and surrounds us. Thoughts are energy that creates more energy. So, when we judge ourselves or others, we are creating energy with that judgement and sending it out to the world.
When we examine our judgements closely we see that judging is about comparing ourselves as less than others or more than others. Being aware of the judgements we make is the first step. If we want to stop or at least reduce judging, (I don’t think most of us can totally stop judging, my hope is to not let it get in the way of the love) simply be aware of it and then choose to release the thought. When it comes up, release the thought and then send the person that you judged love. I notice that I am usually sending it to myself. So, the cycle goes like this: Notice judging, release judgement, send love, notice, release, love, notice, release, love. As long as you keep releasing, you’re good. Judging has been one of my main issues forever. I’m not harder on anyone than myself. The silent words that we say to ourselves can scream at our souls. They are the difference between happiness and worthiness and fear and unworthiness. The thoughts sneak in on fear that we aren’t good enough. I think of it as the fear trying to protect me. You can say to yourself, “Thank you for trying to protect me, but I am trying something new. I am trying unconditional love for myself.” Then pause and breathe it in.
Healthy Yumminess! Such a worthy recipe!
Lemon Thyme Cream Chicken 1 tbs coconut oil 4 chicken breasts 1 cup chicken broth, reduced-sodium if desired 2 tbs lemon juice ¼ tsp dried crushed thyme Salt and pepper to taste 4 oz reduced fat cream cheese
Serves 4 Adapted from Diabetic Living Magazine |
Click for a Free Guided Meditation Album With Tracks Like: Body Love Feel Your Worth Unhunger Healing for Weight Wellness Categories
August 2018
AuthorI was a school teacher for 20 years and am a lifetime soul learner. I am still a teacher, just a different curriculum. |